Last week I shared the start of my boys' bathroom redesign project. I wanted something young and fun, relevant for two little boys but also hip enough for any guests, since this is our hall bath. The little marching alligators shower curtain from Serena & Lily was my starting point. I finally got to experience in the flesh my interior design retail obsession du jour, Furbish Studio, when I visited their Raleigh store last weekend. I've been eyeing these colorful snake prints for some time now via their website, and seeing them in person, well... had to have 'em! I think they are quite genius for bridging the gap between relevant and cool for little boys and totally hip for guests. Here's a layout of the current bathroom. Just click on the plus signs to shop any item straight from this post! Happy Weekend!
Vignettes In My Living Room + Dining Room

Last week I excitedly shared my Living Room and Dining Room redesign with you, and so today I wanted to follow up with some photos of a few vignettes around the room. Thanks so much for all of the sweet comments and complements. Fashion and style are all such a personal matter of opinion and taste, and so regardless of you what your own personal style is, thank you for allowing me to share my latest design project with you! Interior decorating is my second favorite form of channeling creative frustration, behind fashion, of course. I am no trained expert, but one thing I do know how to do is have fun. I think these two rooms are a reflection on my passion for having as much fun as possible with whatever it is I am doing in this life. Hence the disco ball! I LOVE to accessorize, and they do say it's all in the details, no? With my attraction to so may different styles, it will be an accomplishment if this room makes it three years in its current design state! Cheers y'all!