Anyone who wants to save time and look fabulous should work with Whitley.
As much as I love fashion, I simply don’t have time to keep up with everything that’s in the stores, much less what’s on the horizon. I definitely don’t have time to stand in my closet every morning, wondering what to wear or playing with different outfits.
I need to be able to pull out an outfit quickly, knowing that I will look and feel the way I want to look and feel.
Whitley understands my personal style, my priorities for investment, and how my clothing needs to function in a given day
She uses all of that information to pull pieces and create looks that feel like “me,” albeit with the extra 'je ne sais quoi' that Whitley brings to the table.
Fashion is fun, and Whitley keeps it that way!
Traci Zeller, Tracie Zeller Interiors