Ready To Wear — Whitley Adkins

Ready To Wear

If you live in the Charlotte area, I invite you to join me Sunday afternoon for the first annual Pret-a-Portea at The Duke Mansion presented by Sonya Barnes & The International Fashion Style Academy.  Events of the day include High Tea and a day of Fashion meets Philanthropy honoring some of Charlotte's Style & Philanthropic Icons.  A spring fashion show will take place, highlighting the designs of three emerging designers, including Flow By Tara Davis, the gal responsible for creating the adorable dress I'm wearing in the below image.  Proceeds from ticket sales will benefit The Lunch Project.  The Lunch Project's goal is to provide long-term financial support to enable Tanzanian mothers to prepare nutritional meals to school children so they will be better equipped to learn. Please click here for more information, and RSVP here.

Hope to see you there for some most fantastic Ready to Wear!

